Various Sports

Below you will find the sports I do or have done and taught.



Fitness Instructor from 1986 to 2015.

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Kyukosin Karate from 1989 to 1997.

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From 2006 to 2015 Indoor Cycle / Spinnings Instructor.

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1996 & 1997 Paragliding course A & B pilot's license done in France

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From Aug.2022 to January 2024 Crossfit Training

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From 2017 Mountain Biking

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Nautilus Fitness

Fitness Intructor
Sportcentrum Hollander

After our military service (1984-1985), Fred and I started training at Sportcentrum Hollander
which was then still a small room where Nautilus® equipment.
We trained hard three times a week.

After one year we were asked if we wanted to become an instructor, on Thursday evening two instructors were needed.

Our Chef Instructor of this evening was Jan, After a few years he left and we got another Chef Instructor called Ruud.

Beginning 1995, all Instructors had to pass a Nautilus Exam and were classified into the following grades.
Assistant ,B ,A or Chef Instructor, one of the Chef Instructors also became Head Instructor.

After passing the exam, Fred and I became A Instructors.
After less than a year, we both became Chef Instructors.

When Ruud left I became the Head Instructor for Thursday evening.
After a few years, Fred became Head Instructor on Saturday morning to study better and left Thursday evening.
After a few years of absence, Fred came back to Thursday evening and the two brothers were together again.

In all those years I have trained many new instructors to become assistant B and A instructor not only for Thursday but also for other evenings.

The last ones were Debby and Stephan who was part of my Thursday evening team.

In 2012, Jimmy Peek took over the sportcenter and I became Coordinator on Thursday evenings and was in charge of the sportcenter that evening.

Unfortunately, the sportcenter went bankrupt in early 2015 and was taken over by Basic-Fit, who do not work with Nautilus® equipment or with fitness instructors, so after 29 years that has come to an end.

Kyukosin Karate


January 4, 1989 my brother and I started doing karate because we as Nautilus Instructors could also practice this sport.

After two years of strength training it was not as easy as we thought to start karate, kicking up was quite difficult at first with short muscles, even a Dachshund was safe so to speak.

After about one year of training, we went up for our first exam.

10th Kyu we got this on April 29, 1989.
At first things went fast with three more exams in 1989
9th Kyu degree June 26, 1989**
8th Kyu degree September 29, 1989
7th Kyu degree 21 December 1989
After that, the exams became more and more difficult.
6th Kyu degree July 13, 1990**
5th Kyu degree 13 December 1990
4th Kyu degree June 12, 1991**
3th Kyu degree June 17, 1992
2th Kyu degree December 13, 1993.
The Kyu grades with a ** were obtained during the International Karate Summer Camp at the Sport Park Papendal in Arnhem.
Where you then did almost nothing from Sunday to Friday but train and practice your exams.
Had a lot of fun during this summer camps.

From the moment I turned 8th Kyu.
I started participating in karate competitions, first at the sports center itself, but then also nationwide.
In the first years you didn't manage to take cups home with you, but in recent years it went easier with even a 3th place at the Open Rotterdam Championships.

But everything comes to an end.

Whether or not forced by a doctor, a serious injury to my big toe ended my karate era, I was found to have broken my big toe twice without knowing it.

In April 1997 I had to give up one of my favorite sports.
All those years have taught me discipline and given me a lot of self-confidence.

I therefore look back on this period in my sport life with great pleasure.


Below is a video of a championship match in Rotterdam 1990 i finished 3rd


In May 2015 I and my girlfriend Terry were invited by my old karate teacher Shihan Vlado Haljer and Sensei Jenny Scholten from “Katsu Heiwa Dojo” went to the spring karate camp in Samobor Croatia for one week.

After 18 years I put on my karate gi again and tried if I could still do it.
Unfortunately I suffered from heel spurs and I was not able to participate in everything.

Terry did get her Orange belt because she just trained for a complete week.

Was a very nice week to do again.



Indoor Cycling

Schwinn Instructor
Cycle Master
Bronze Level

Due to an injury I had to stop karate in 1997 and was looking for a new challenge. When the sportcenter bought 32 spinning bikes in 2005, my passion for indoor cycling started, also known as spinning. From the very beginning, at the tryouts of the then instructors, I was gripped by the spinning virus. When I was offered the opportunity at the beginning of 2006 to follow the "Indoor Cycling Instructor" training, I seized the opportunity with both hands,but thay say it would be for stand-in classes only.
From June 11, 2006 I am certified "Indoor Cycle Instructor" after some stand-in hours I got my own hour on Wednesday evenings at half past eight from January 2007.
When Henk left in April 2008 because of his work, I got two extra hours on Monday, so from then on I gave three hours of spinning a week.
Since 2007 I now organize the Christmas Spinning Marathon of three hours for charity at the sportcenter every year.
On Sunday 5 June 2011, Jimmy and I started the AALO Cycle Master Course which we successfully completed on 24 June and we can call ourselves AALO Cycle Masters. Unfortunately, the sports center went bankrupt in early 2015 and was taken over by Basic-Fit, luckily I was able to continue working at the sportcenter after the takeovers, now on other Basic-Fit bikes.
After 10 years of spinning, I decided to stop teaching and take on another challenge.
December 2, 2015 I gave my last lesson and what the future holds is still a mystery.
Thanks for the years of fun.


A lesson video from 2014


24 August 1996 my brother and I left for Mieussy France with Andre Wieringa's Parapent flying club from Utrecht.
25'The next day we went with the group to a hill behind the campsite to run down and then try a paraglider above you for the first time master the head and the controls..
after lunch we had our first theory lesson about flying with a parapent and the rules of flying, which consisted of eight chapters.
1. Material knowledge. 2.Practice. 3.Aerodynamics. 4.Meteorology 5.Rules. 6.Flying practice for advanced students. 7.Navigation. 8.Flying in the Netherlands.
26' After breakfast we all went to practice the "pararole" of a small step block at the campsite "through your knees and roll over your buttocks".
Then we were all assigned a paraglider according to your weight and then to a small hill where you still had to make a small climb to get to the height of 50 meters to come.
Lay out your paraglider for the first time and prepare it for your first flight of 50 meters, Walk.. Fly.. Land a total flight of about 20 seconds. afternoon theory again
After dinner we went to see how you can get into the harness to sit when you are in the air tomorrow.
27' This morning after breakfast, we load the parapents into the vans and we all drive to 1400 meters for the first time. When we arrive at the top we all get a walkie-talkie and with the parapent on your back we have to climb the last 200 meters up the mountain to the starting area.
Once at the top of the take-off area, look for the landing area that is far in the distance and the valley.
The starting order will be determined and you will prepare for your first start at 1600 meters. Fred likes our two ales first but at the start he has a line over his parapent and has to abort his start. Because of this I can first walk down the mountain and for the first time in my life hang from a parapent at a great height.
My experience ***** Walk walk walk above you see if your parapent is hanging above your head and walk well until your feet come off the mountain, hang on until you are completely free and if you think you sit down in your chair and look around you "relaxed". you look at the valley and see very small house and cars below you and think 1.6 Km is still high..... you are instructed to circle above the landing field to lose altitude until you get the signal to start your landing. first Downwind downwind along the landing area then Baseleg to half of the landing area and then turn to the Final, landing against the wind.***** my first flight
The following days flying is * in the morning theory and flying again late in the afternoon* not even one day could fly because of some rain. *we fly in the morning and late afternoon because then the Thermal is less. after the week of flying we have made enough flights to complete the practical part of your A certificate then only the theory exam but that is also no problem passed with an eight.
31' Did we leave in the evening for the Netherlands and arrive Sept 1st. back in Utrecht where Fred and I take the train back to Rotterdam. A year later we went back to get our B license and then learned to fly more with thermals and the longest flight was three and a half hours.


Parapent video stage 1 year 1996


Beginners Level

A new challenge in August 2022 that I have accepted at Terry's insistence is CrossFit at Eudokia Crossfit in Rotterdam.

What is CrossFit

CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness programme that combines elements of weightlifting, aerobic exercise,
gymnastics and other functional movements.
It is designed to improve overall fitness and physical performance by focusing on a wide range of
activities and exercises.
CrossFit workouts, often referred to as "WODs" (Workout of the Day), are usually short and intense and focus
on building strength, endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness.
CrossFit has gained popularity for its challenging and varied workouts, which are often performed in groups
performed in CrossFit gyms, also known as "boxes".

CrossFit is an inclusive, evidence-based functional training programme for strength and conditioning.
CrossFit is about improving your quality of life and having a lot of fun!

CrossFit is constantly varied high-intensity functional movement.
CrossFit is about increasing work capacity in broad times and modal domains throughout life.
CrossFit makes effective and safe training possible for everyone, regardless of age, fitness and physical or mental capabilities.
CrossFit Is Healthy Ageing.
CrossFit is empirically based, clinically tested and developed by the community.
CrossFit is about measurable and visible results. CrossFit Is Life Science.
CrossFit is a strength and conditioning programme that combines movements from athletics, weightlifting and gymnastics in many different ways.
CrossFit is always adapted to your level so that you become healthy, fit and strong in a way that suits you.
CrossFit is much more than a sport.
It's about improving the quality of your life and having fun!
CrossFit makes you feel super good!

Unfortunately, I had to stop crossfit in January 2024 due to an old/new injury to my hand.
The tendon in my hand gets stuck at times and cannot fully move my hand functionally.
Rop Climb

Mountain biking

Terry & Ed
Germany 2024

I bought late 2017 a Large Cube AMS 100 pro 2014 a full suspension mtb

What is Mountain biking

Mountain biking is a thrilling outdoor sport that involves riding bicycles off-road, often on rough, uneven terrain and through various natural landscapes such as mountains, forests, or desert trails. Mountain bikes are specially designed to withstand the challenges of off-road riding, with features like sturdy frames, wide tires with deep treads for traction, and suspension systems to absorb shocks.

Mountain biking can encompass a wide range of disciplines, including cross-country (XC), downhill (DH), enduro, freeride, and trail riding, each with its own unique challenges and techniques.

In cross-country riding, cyclists typically cover long distances over varied terrain, often incorporating climbs and descents. Downhill riding involves descending steep slopes at high speeds, requiring excellent bike handling skills and nerve. Enduro combines elements of both XC and DH, with timed downhill sections interspersed with untimed uphill or flat sections. Freeride focuses on performing tricks and stunts on natural terrain, such as jumps, drops, and technical maneuvers. Trail riding is more recreational, focusing on exploring off-road trails and enjoying the natural scenery.

Mountain biking can be a great way to stay active, connect with nature, and challenge oneself physically and mentally while having fun outdoors.
Rop Climb
Ed van Reijswoud Sports