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Ed van Reijswoud © 01-2016

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S. Laansma first researched the building blocks for this volume in 1981 in his attempt to prove that all family variations of van Reijswoud/Renswoude originated in the village Renswoude.

 This volume deals mainly with my direct ancestors and some history of the village Renswoude, the story begins around 1250AD when a knight was given land at Renswoude and his duty in return was to protect the village of Renswoude, along with a second knight who also received land at Renswoude.

The first mentioned knight's family were still knights until about 1600 and then became farmers on their property at Renswoude and their descendants can be found at Renswoude on the 17 farms of Renswoude, this family of farmers first known ancestor is alive in the later half of the 16th century.

His name was Marten; in those days some Dutch people did not actually have a surname. It would be impossible to find any information on his father, because it becomes too difficult to read documents of members of the reformed church.

 Marten's son is Celis Martenz, and was born around 1618 at Renswoude.

 On a Dutch name in this period where z, or s appears after the second name of someone it is read as Celis son of Marten, so therefore for example by finding Celis Martenz you know his father is Marten.

Similarly (dr) after a women’s name refers to daughter of.

These early ancestors appear to use the same names for about 150 years, the name Celis still being used until 1727.

Then we have Ary or Arie (Aristos), which appears for a further 200 years.

 The family grows very fast, and eventually finds itself in Rotterdam, Almelo and even Australia.

Here also appears the variation of van Reijswoud.

The lineage of van Reijswoud continues to the present day with a series of Arie van Reijswoud's.

The knight's Genealogy: follows and traces as many families as possible from 1590 to 2004.

No connection can be made from 1250AD to 1590AD.


The van Reijswoud family today is mainly living in the area of Rotterdam however some branches are in Almelo.

Their surname has several variations as you trace the direct line back; there you find that one of the families originated in Driel, which is in the Province of Gelderland.

 In Driel the baptism of Oth Celis can be found, his father Celis Ottenz was born at Renswoude.

Celis moved in 1691 to Rhenen where he met Lijsbeth Jansdr. Vermeer. Celis is a direct descendant of Marten.


The surname van Reijswoud therefore becomes van Renswoude.

 The name Renswoude or its original version Rijnswoude dates back to 1390 where the earliest record is found. On September 19th 1390 an act of parliament mentions the goods of Rijnswoude. It clearly states the farms and homesteads were in the woods of Rhenen. From that they made the name Rhenenswoude and Rijnswoude. The town of Rhenen only ruled the area for a short time.

You can translate the name van Renswoude as ‘from the woods of Rhenen.’ Regardless of the variations this is the original meaning.


The Dukes of Bentheim: It was Elyas from the village of Woudenberch, who was the first to mention the name Renswoude. On March 18th, 1321, he mentions the 17 Renswoudse farms. On that day Elyas announces the sale of all the land and buildings there upon, which were situated near the castle “Ter Horst” in the woods of Rhenen.

The seller was, a knight; his grandparents had been given the land on loan, by the Duke of Bentheim. The buyer was Johan van Brandenborch, who now becomes the Lessee to the Duke of Bentheim. So it is this German nobleman, stands at the cradle of Renswoude. Otto, the Duke of Bentheim was a brother of Floris, The 3rd Lord of The Netherlands.


The Towns of Rhenen and Culemborch: The Dukes of Bentheim disappear fairly quickly in the history of Renswoude. Probably around 1325 they sell their belongings to the town of Rhenen, who by 1346 sell an inheritance situated in the woods to the Bishop Jan van Arkel of Utrecht. Via his illegitimate son, Renswoude becomes the property of Bishop Florens van Wevelinckhoven and the Lords of Culemborch, from the town of that name. The held the village Renswoude until 1558. In 1536 the castle Renswoude is registered in a list of knightly homes of the area. When Johan van Culemborch died in 1558, Renswoude goes to his eldest daughter Margaretha whom is married to Philip van Hamal. The Barons of Hamal didn’t keep the castle and farms long, for in 1623, Renswoude becomes the property of Johan van Reede. He was important and well known in the area. He won the sympathy of the people of Renswoude, by building them a church so they no longer had to travel to Scherpenzeel. He made Renswoude a quite and peaceful place, as did the rulers after him.


The Church Renswoude: Mr. Van Scherpenzeel didn’t want Renswoude to have their own church. Until 1638 in fact the citizens of Renswoude went to church in Scherpenzeel. The Baron Johan van Reede submitted a request for a church and preacher. This was in April 1638 and in August of that year we read of a church service in the name of Aerd Rouw where Dr. Berch Mannus van veenendaal was the preacher. The request for Renswoude to have its own church was not received well by Scherpenzeel; if the people from Renswoude didn’t come anymore the finances would go down. Scherpenzeel wanted to keep things the way they were so why would Renswoude want to change things? Eventually Renswoude got permission through the influence of Johan van Reede to build it’s own church. The first stone was laid in

August 1639 and the church was completed by 1641. However it was already in use by 1640. In May 1640 the first bible was produced for the fee of 11 guilders. The cart driver who brought the bible down from Veendaal also was paid for transport costs.



The Renswoude Foundation: On April 26th, 1754, Maria Duyst van Voorhout died at the age of 92 years, in the city of Utrecht. She was the widow of Frederick Adriaan van Reede, Baron of Renswoude. She was born in Delft in 1662 and married the Baron of Renswoude and Emmikhuizen in 1685. Only one daughter who died in infancy came out of the marriage to Frederick van Reede. Maria Reede held many interests, she held herself busy by practicing the arts and science, and she also held a letter of exchange with the noted scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. After her husband died she made a comprehensive Will, whereby her belongings went to various charities. She thought of the poor of Renswoude, Moerkerken, Utrecht and Delft. She also thought of the churches of Delft, Utrecht and Den Haag as well as the Municipal children’s home of Utrecht and the orphans of Delft and Den Haag.


When after in her death 1754, her Will was read, it seems she had a special meaning for the last named charity. In those three orphanages the more intelligent boys, over the age of 15, would be schooled at the cost of the deceased in maths, geology, the arts and science as well as studying in the Engineering of Dykes, to protect all of The Netherlands against heavy flooding. It was also stated that in each of the three orphanages, a separate building was to be built, for the boys of this foundation. This building would be the living quarters for approximately 25 students. Each student would be dressed in a robe and blue trousers, lined with red. The robe had a velvet black collar and white metal buttons and they had black socks.


The students would be under control of an inn-father and mother. The inn-father would teach reading, writing and maths as well as religion twice a week, and separately they would be taught the arts, French and English. Apart from pocket money they would be given a remembrance dinner on April 26th of each year to remember the old lady. In Delft a whole new orphanage was built, because the old one did not have enough space. This new building was opened on December 11th 1759. One of the best-known pupils of the Renswoude foundation at Delft was Frederick Willem Conrad. He became inspector general of the Algemene waterstaat (united flood prevention) and over looker general of Hoog Heemraadschap Rijnland. 


In Den Haag, The Foundation Quarters were part of the orphanage. Teachers there were well-known people, among them were; Jacob Baart de la Faille (Science), Aart Schouman (Art), Jean Francois Fabre (French), amongst the Royals; Queen Sophie and Queen Emma visited the foundation in Den Haag. Since 1923 the building stands in Jozef Israel Plein. The orphanage in Utrecht was found to be unsuitable for The Foundation, so a whole new building was built and completed in 1761, on the 10th of October on that year the first students moved in. During the French occupation, two of the boys were registered with the Emperors guard, however by request of Prince Regent the boys were allowed to stay in the Foundation. In 1812, The Emperor Napoleon and his wife Josephine visited Utrecht and The Foundation Renswoude. In 1814 the Tsar of Russia visited the building. The building was also visited by; in 1841 King Willem 2, in 1853 King Willem 3, and in 1936 Princess Juliana, the former queen.


Since 1922 no students have lived in The Foundation. These days The Foundation is strictly limited to scholarships. In 1969 the winner of 10 thousand guilders was civil engineer Mr. J.A. Batjes, in 1970 the sculpture Jan Maaskant was the winner and DR. H.Hulsman, won the prize in 1971. More prizewinners followed after that. Members of the families van Renswoude (or any variation of the name) were never a student in any three-foundation schools, nor did any member of these families ever win the Renswoude prize. The 1761 Foundation building at Utrecht is still in use and can be visited by appointment.

Genealogy van Reijswoud families

van Reijswoud  ,  van Renswoud[e] , van Rijnswou[w]

Marten Willems.  baptized Scherpenzeel 23rd Jan. 1642, reformed church, son of Willems Martens van Wolfswinkel and Adriaantje Baltersdr. Marten lived at Lambalgen (an estate owned by the van Wolfswinkel family), and was later also a farmer in the hamlet at Emmikhuizen. The main trades of his farms were wool, Rye, wheat, and buckwheat. During the winter livestock had to be stalled. The flouring plants on his farm were pink and they were situated on Emmikhuizen hill. Marten has one known child, follows I.


I.    Celis Martensz., farmer, living at Lambalgen (1641) and in the hamlet at Emmikhuizen (1651-1675), from 1675 till his death he lived at Renswoude, he died at Renswoude 8th Jan. 1678; married Petertje Ottendr., who died Renswoude 28th Oct. 1674.




1.         Marten Celisz., died Renswoude 9th Nov. 1711; married Renswoude 2nd Feb. 1679 Jantje Jacobsdr., jongedochter of Dashorst.


2.         Wobbetje Celisdr.; married (1) Renswoude 15th Jun. 1662 to Jan Aertsz., of Achterberg; married (2) Rhenen 26 Oct. 1681 to Werf Ariensz.


3.         Cornelisjen Celisdr.


4          Ot Celisz., Follows II.


5.         Jantgen Celisdr., baptized Scherpenzeel 21st Feb. 1641. [Jantje moved to Woudenberg]


6.         Mor Celisz., baptized 22nd May 1643, at Renswoude, no further record.


7.         Maerige (Merrichjen) Celisdr., baptized Renswoude 21st May 1646. [moved to Scherpenzeel]


8.         Cornelis Celisz., baptized Renswoude 1648, living at Wagensveld; married Renswoude 21st Nov. 1675 Jantje Willemsdr. [moved] The couple had issue: Grietje,  bapt.10th Dec. 1676 at Wagensvelt, Petertje, bapt. 3rd Mar. 1678 at Wagensvelt, Willem, bapt. 20th Jul. 1679 & Celis, bapt. 17th Dec. 1682. Their daughter Grietje, b. 1676, married before 1718 with :
Teunis Robberts bapt. Renswoude 12th Aug. 1677, Teunis was buried in Renswoude on 16th Jan. 1746.

9.         Jan Celisz., baptized 1650, at Renswoude, he moved to Woudenberg.


10.       Styntje Celisdr., probably baptized Renswoude 1655, died at Renswoude 5th Dec. 1705; married Evert Bruynisz.


II. Ot Celisz., living at Emmikhuizen, died Renswoude 12 Mar. 1690; married (1)Guertjen Cornelisdr., who died at Renswoude 13th Apr. 1685; married (2) at Rhenen 9th  Mar. 1687 Driesje (Tresje) Willemsdr., of Achterberg. [moved 13th Feb. 1691 to Rhenen, shortly after Oth had died. From Oth’s first marriage there were five children and there was three more children from his second marriage.]



1. Hendrik Ottenz, baptized 5th May 1672, at Renswoude.

2. Cornelis Ottenz, baptized 14th Mar. 1675, at Renswoude.

3. Petertje Ottendr, baptized 7th Oct. 1677, at Renswoude.

4. Annetje Ottendr, baptized 19th Feb. 1682, at Renswoude.

5. Celis Ottenz, baptized 8th Mar. 1685, at Renswoude, died before 1689 .

6. Willem Ottenz, baptized 29th Jan. 1688, at Renswoude.

7. Celis Ottenz, baptized 7th Apr. 1689, at Renswoude, follows III.

8. Othje Ottendr, baptized 12th Oct. 1690, at Renswoude, as a daughter of the now deceased Oth.


Because Celis Ottenz now moves to Rhenen, he becomes Celis van Renswoude and he is the first one to use that name. His descendants continue to use the name van Renswoude. After some centuries the name changes to van Reijswoud.


III. Celis Ottenz van Renswoude, (son of II) baptized 7th Apr. 1689, at Renswoude, he moved to the village of Rhenen in 1691 with his mother and died at Bleiswijk in October 1749{exempt from burial taxes, notice given on the 30th of October 1749}, Celis married in 1725 at Driel to Lijsbeth Jansdr. Vermeer.



1. Otto van Renswoude,{Ot} baptized 30th Nov. 1727, at Driel, follows IVA.

2. Aaltje van Renswoude, baptized 29th Apr. 1730, at Bleiswijk, no further record.

3. Trijntje van Renswoude, baptized 29th Mar. 1732, at Bleiswijk, no further record.

4. Willem van Renswoude, baptized 5th Jun. 1734, at Bleiswijk, no further record.

5. Cornelis van Renswoude, baptized 2nd May 1739, at Bleiswijk, follows IVB.

6. Pieter van Renswoude, baptized 11th Sept. 1742, at Bleiswijk, no further record.

7. Jacobus van Renswoude, baptized 14th Aug. 1745, at Bleiswijk, no further record.


The witness at the baptism of Cornelis was Geertje Hendriks Renswoude. The witness at Pieter’s baptism in 1742 was Johanna Celis Rijnswouw and the witness at the baptism for Jacobus in 1745 was Geertrui van Reinswouw. These baptisms are found in the Netherlands Reformed Church book for Bleiswijk. Each time an entry was made in the book a different spelling of the name is recorded, usually the same spelling as the witnesses surname was entered, as the witnesses were related. 


IVA. Otto Celis van Renswoude, Ot is the first to have variations with his surname, van Reijnswoude - van Rijnswou - van Reinswouw (son of III) baptized 30th Nov. 1727, Jongman of Driel (1759), he moved to Rotterdam and died there (exempt of burial tax notice given on the 26th Mar. 1802) married 4th Aug. 1759 at Rotterdam

(Publication of the banns, 29th Jul. 1759) to Grietje Lagewaard (Lagerwaart) alias Visser, Jongedochter of Rotterdam Born Okt. 1728, she died 18th  Feb. 1815. At the time of his marriage in 1759 Ot lived in Rotterdam on the Spaanse Kaaij, Grietje lived in the Kipstraat in Rotterdam and later that year they lived at Agter 'T Klooster (behind the monastery, very near the Kipstraat) and in 1762 they lived in the Groenendaal. 



1. Elisabet van Reijnswoude, baptized 30th Oct. 1759, at Rotterdam, witness at the baptism was Dijna Lagerwaert, no further record.

2. Ary van Reijnswoude, baptized 28th Jan. 1762, at Rotterdam, witness at the baptism was Dijna de Meijer, died at Delfshaven;  (exempt from burial tax notice given on the 1st Feb. 1766, the child of Otto van Reijnswoude).

3. Ary van Reijnswoude, baptized 5th Nov. 1766, at Delfshaven, follows VA.

4. Marcelis van Reijnswoude, baptized 10th Jan. 1768, at Delfshaven, follows VB.


VA. Ary (Arie) van Reijnswoude - Rijnswoud, (son of IVA) born Oct. 1766, baptized 5th Nov. 1766, at Delfshaven, witness was Geertruij Lagerwaart, Ary was a seller of Milk, died 22nd Mar. 1845, Ary married Jacoba Groen. When they gave notice of the birth of their children the following addresses was given: in 1807 Binneweg, in 1809 Binneweg T79, and in 1810/1811 Binneweg T78. 


The wedding certificate of Ary and Jacoba is filed in the Rotterdam archives and survived the bombardment during the war of 1939 - 1945.



1. Otto van Reijnswoude, born 16th Oct. 1807, at Rotterdam, baptized 25th Oct. 1807, at Rotterdam, married 31st July 1844 at Rotterdam to Johanna Den Hengst, born Rotterdam 15th Dec. 1810 and died there 28th Sept. 1889. He was a coal worker in a ship. No further record. 

2. Jacobus van Reijswoud, born 4th Aug. 1809, at Rotterdam, follows VIA.

3. Annigje van Reijswoude, born 27th Dec. 1810, at Rotterdam, baptized 6th Jan. 1811 at Rotterdam; witness was Christina Greon, married probably 17th May 1843, at Rotterdam to N.N Belger.

4. Arie van Renswou, born 3rd Oct. 1812 at Rotterdam, fireman (kettles), married 3rd Aug. 1853 at Rotterdam to Cornelia de Koning. Arie died 11th Jan. 1892, at Kralingen  - Rotterdam. Issue not known.

5. Hermanus van Reijswoud – van Rijswoud, born 1817, cloth-worker at Rotterdam (1845), married 27th Aug. 1845 at Rotterdam to Cornelia Wilhelmina Den Hengst, born 17th July 1819 at Rotterdam, Cornelia died there 25th Dec. 1904.  Their descendant Hermanus van Rijswoud was born in Rotterdam in 1881. He died in 1942 at Rotterdam and married to Anna Kempers. Harmanus and Anna van Rijswoud had 7 children, their first son Jan van Rijswoud drowned at age 10 in the Wijnhaven at Rotterdam near where they lived. Harmanus was photographed in 1900 and again with his wife and two children around 1915. Other families living in the Netherlands today with the surname van Rijswoud are all likely to be descended from Hermanus van Reijswoud and his wife Cornelia Den Hengst.


VIA. Jacobus van Reijswoud - Jan van Rijnswou,  Koos (son of VA) born 4th Aug. 1809 at Rotterdam, baptized 13th Aug. 1809 at Rotterdam, witness was Anna Klootwijk. Koos was a warehouse worker, he died 12th Jan. 1857 at Rotterdam, he married 15th Jul. 1835 at Rotterdam to Helena Augusta Muntz, born 11th Sept. 1808, at Voorburg, Helena was an Ironing lady, she died 14th Aug. 1888 at Rotterdam.


Note: in the population registers of Rotterdam for the period of 1862 - 1880, appears a handwritten notation Rijnswou of Reijswoud voor allen', this means 'Rijnswou or Reijswoud' for all. This indicates that Helena Augusta van Reijswoud - Muntz, was already a widow by then and her children used both names in the before mentioned period, something that was against the law since one had to use the family name that was used when the Burgerlijke Stand was established in Napoleon's time in 1811. In a later volume of the population register this was corrected and a new notation appears: ' Allen van Reijswoud' (all van Reijswoud). In the second half of the 19th century the van Reijswoud - Muntz family lived on the Jan Loonslaan 705, sharing a house with a family by the name of van der Giessen.


Notice of the death of Helena Augusta van Reijswoud – Muntz was given by: Willem Hendrik Hardon, 43 years, undertaker, and Machiel Legenhoek, 25 years, city clerk. At the time of her death Helena had no profession, both her parents had already died.



1. Jacoba van Reijswoud - van Rijnswou, born 5th Dec. 1836, at Rotterdam, apprentice seamstress, maid servant, married probably 5th Jul. 1871 at Rotterdam to N.N Ringlever.

2. Cornelis Johannes van Reijswoud – van Rijnswou, born 31st Oct. 1838 at Rotterdam, follows VIIA.

3. Hendrik van Reijswoud – van Rijnswou, born 10th Jul. 1842 at Rotterdam, follows VIIB.

4. Helena Augusta van Reijswoud - van Rijnswou, born 23rd Oct. 1844 at Rotterdam, married 15th Jun. 1864 at Rotterdam to Gerrit van Veen, born 1838 he was a butcher, son of Jan van Veen, butcher, and Jacoba Snelleman. .

5. Arie van Reijswoud - van Rijnswou - van Rijswoud, (Arie also spelt Arij)

born 25th Dec. 1851 at Rotterdam, follows VIIC.


VIIA. Cornelis Johannes van Reijswoud - van Rijnswou – van Reyswoud, (son of VIA) born 31st Oct. 1838 at Rotterdam, seaman, porter, died 6th Aug. 1889 at Rotterdam, married 13th Feb. 1878 at Rotterdam to Maria Eringaard, born 8th Aug. 1851 at Rotterdam, the daughter of Johannes Eringaard and Geertrui de Hooge.


According to the population registers in the archives at Rotterdam this family lived on the following addresses in the period 1862 - 1895: Eendenstraat 60a, Paardenstraat 70/2, Noordmolenstraat 37 and Snellemanslaan 37. They left the last mentioned address on 6th Aug. 1889. At the birth of Maria Eringaard notice was given by the midwife Maria Veelbel, wife of Hermanus van Vliet, who declared that Maria Eringaard was born at two o'clock in the morning of August 8th, 1851 in a house with the address Achterklooster 11. Her mother had no profession; her father was a printer at Rotterdam and due to sickness unable to give notice himself of his daughter's birth. Witnesses at the birth of Maria were: August van Rijnbach, warehouse helper, and Hendrik Schaap.


On the marriage certificate of Cornelis van Reijswoud he was listed as a seaman by profession, living at Rotterdam, Maria Eringaard was said to have no profession and she also lived at Rotterdam. Cornelis's father and Maria's mother were already deceased. Both remaining parents were living in Rotterdam. Witnesses at the van Reijswoud - Eringaard marriage were: Hendrik Cornelis Speelman, 69 years old - city Sergeant and Willem Mindorp, 64 years old - policeman living at Rotterdam.


Actual Translation: Today 13th Feb. 1878 declared before the Register of Rotterdam that a marriage took place in the presence of a J.P. on 10th Feb. 1878 between; Cornelis Johannes van Reyswoud, age 39, seaman of Rotterdam son of Jacobus van Reyswoud, deceased and Helena Augusta Muntz, house wife at Rotterdam, and Maria Eringaard, age 26, minor, born and living at Rotterdam, daughter of Johannes Eringaard, bookbinder at Rotterdam, and Geertrui De Hooge, deceased.


Because of Maria being underage and because her mother was deceased the mother’s death certificate was accepted, permission from Johannes Eringaard, the father was given, after which, they were married, according to the law. Signed by the above-mentioned witnesses.     


Notice of the death of Cornelis van Reijswoud was given by Cornelis Dekker, 33 years old - servant, and Gregorius Leonardus Groeneveld, 41 years old - servant, both living at Rotterdam and no relatives of the deceased, Cornelis van Reijswoud had died at six o'clock in the afternoon in a house on the Coolsingel (probably the Rotterdam city hospital). Today 8th Aug. 1889 appeared before the Register of Rotterdam Cornelis Dekker age 33, steward, and Gregorius Groeneveld age 41, steward, both living in Rotterdam, not relatives of the deceased, have declared that on 6th Aug. 1889 at six o’clock in the afternoon at the Coolsingel in Rotterdam, passed away Cornelis Johannes van Reyswoud at the age of 50, born and living here at Rotterdam and husband of Maria Eringaard, son of Jacobus van Reijswoud and Helena Augusta Muntz, both deceased at Rotterdam.



1. Helena Augusta van Reijswoud, born 10th Nov. 1879, at Rotterdam, married 13th May 1903, at Rotterdam to Pieter Johannes Schreuder, born around 1879/1880 at Rotterdam, apprentice carpenter, son of Hendrik Schreuder and Dirkje de Bruijn.

2. Johannes van Reijswoud, born 5th Oct. 1882 at Rotterdam, no further record.

3. Jacobus van Reijswoud, Koos, born 6th Oct.1884 at Rotterdam, follows VIIIA.

4. Geertruida van Reijswoud, born 15th Sept. 1886 at Rotterdam, no further record.

5. Catharina van Reijswoud, born 13th Feb. 1889 at Rotterdam, married 7th Aug. 1907 at Rotterdam to Pieter Wels, born around1878/1879, at Rotterdam, dyer of cloth, son of Pieter Wells and Marrigje de Melker.


VIIIA. Jacobus van Reijswoud, (son of VIIA) born 6th Oct. 1884 at Rotterdam, clerk at a forwarding agency, died 11th Dec. 1978 in an accident on Rotterdam harbour married 30th Sept. 1908 at Rotterdam to Catharina Johanna de Groot, born around 1889/1890, daughter of Franciscus Theodorus Josephus de Groot and Johanna Pieternella van Rijst.  Jacobus and Catharina had nine children. Their calling names were: Frans, Kees, Piet, Koos, Jan, Jans, Toos, Marie, and Yopie, in 1990 Jan van Reijswoud was living at Kathendrechlsestraat 401, Jan (Jacobus) had a daughter called Elly van Reijswoud.

E.H van Reyswoud wrote that her father Jacobus was born in 1927.


At the time of his marriage Jacobus was a clerk at a forwarding agency and he lived at Rotterdam. Johanna had no profession. Both her parents were still alive and living at Rotterdam. The father of Koos was already deceased; his mother was listed as having no profession and living at Rotterdam. Witnesses were: Edward Gustav Maltha, 36 years, clerk at the city hall; Gijsbert Vermeulen, 59 years old, Anthonij Eikenhout, 51 years old, and Adriaan Jan Klink, 51 years old, all three Police Sergeants at Rotterdam.


Actual contact was made with Maria van Reijswoud in Rotterdam; this is her letter of April 26th, 1996:


Dear Mr. D van Reijswoud


We thank you for your letter of 24 December last. First I want to apologize for my late reaction. My father is Jacobus van Reijswoud and my mother is Catherina de Groot. They had nine children: Cornelis born 1908 follows VIIIA-1, Fransiscus, Jacobus born 1927 and Johanna Cornelia. They already died. Further, Maria Born 1924 (me), Johannes, Pieter and Johanna. I have known my grandmother of father side. The sisters of my father were Lena, Truus, Cathrina and one brother whose name I don’t know. They lived in Amsterdam. We hope to hear from you soon.


Maria van Reijswoud


VIIIA-1. Cornelis Johannes van Reijswoud, (son of VIIIA) born 6th Dec. 1908 at Rotterdam, died there 27th Oct. 1980, married Johanna Hendriea Klomps born 13th Apr. 1913, died 23rd Nov. 1981 at Rotterdam. 



1. C J van Reijswoud, born 27th Oct. 1932 who currently lives in Oss, married Gysberta Adriana Anna Witteman, born 14th Jan. 1947, they have one daughter Johanna Hendriea Bianka van Reijswoud, born 23rd May 1971, and she lives at Zeeland.

2. Jacobus van Reijswoud, born 30th Oct 1933 at Rotterdam, died there 13th Mar. 1970. He was not married.

3. Fritz van Reijswoud, born 24th Aug. 1939 at Rotterdam married to Wilhelmina de Groot born 11th Sept.1938 at Rotterdam (divorced) Fritz has two children; Rene van Reijswoud born 15th Jan. 1964 (follows VIIIF) and Ilone van Reijswoud born 27th Dec. 1966.(follows VIIIG)

VIIIF. Rene van Reijswoud born 15th Januari 1964 at Rotterdam married to  Pa van der Stigchel born 7th Jun. 1967 at Rotterdam (divorced)


1.     Danny van Reijswoud born 30th May 1988 at Rotterdam

2.     Kaylee van Reijswoud born 8th April 1994 at Rotterdam.

VIIIG. Ilone van Reijswoud geboren 27th Dec. 1966 at Rotterdam married to Jan Vermulm born 7 Januari, at Rotterdam. , daughter Siobhan Vermulm born 11th Aug.1991 at Rotterdam., daughter Djaina Vermulm born 13th Dec.1994 at Rotterdam.

 4. Johannes Hendrikus van Reijswoud, born 11th Nov. 1947 at Rotterdam, married Lenie Dam (divorced), 2 children: Roberd van Reijswoud born 27th Oct. 1977 at Rotterdam and Audrey van Reijswoud born 7th Nov. 1975 at Rotterdam.  


VIIB. Hendrik van Reijswoud, (son of VIA) born 10th Jul. 1842 at Rotterdam, house painter, married 6th Aug. 1873 at Rotterdam to Johanna Jacoba Spanjersberg, born 26th Jan. 1838 at Rotterdam. Anna was a maid and servant; she was a daughter of Jan Hendrik Spanjersberg and Alida Roggeveen. Hendrik's family lived at the following addresses: G. van der Heijdenstraat 18/3, Goudscheweg 27, Jonker Fransstraat 51, Meidoornstraat 47, Rechter Rottekade 127/1 and Frederickstraat 6, his family were all members of the Nederlands Hervormde Kerk Reformed Church of Holland.


The marriage certificate stated that Hendrik van Reijswoud was a house painter at Rotterdam; Johanna was a maidservant. Both his and her fathers had already died and both mothers were living at Rotterdam. Witnesses were: Hendrik Cornelis van der Graaf, 56 years, city messenger; Lodewijk Cornelis Speelman, 64 years, Theodorus Hendricus Berghout, 47 years, both Rotterdam Police Sergeants, and Pieter Schoenmaker, 66 years, servant.



1. Helena Augusta van Reijswoud, born 20th Apr. 1874 at Rotterdam, probably married at Rotterdam 9th Aug. 1899 to N.N Lievense.


VIIC. Arie van Reijswoud - Arij van Rijswoud - van Rijnswou, (son of VIA) born 25th Dec. 1851 at Rotterdam, electrician, bench-hand and (apprentice) smith, died 11th May 1910, at Rotterdam, married first in 1874 to Wilhelmina Rosetta Eringaard, born 10th Sept. 1854 at Rotterdam, died 4th Jul. 1899 at Rotterdam, as mother of eight children. Arie was a strict man and very religious. Arie married second 20th Dec. 1899 at Rotterdam to Abigael Maria van Wijk, Aaltje, born 30th Oct. 1861 at Ouderkerk A/D Ijssel, died 7th Jan. 1944, at Rotterdam, Aaltje was the daughter of Willem van Wijk and Neeltje de Wilde. Witnesses at Arie’s second marriage were: Cornelis Nieulant, 34 years, clerk, Johannes Cornelis Bout, 40 years, assistant clerk, Abraham Zwart, 59 years and Frans van Es, 47 years, both Rotterdam Police Sergeants. Post marked 3rd May 1910 from Rotterdam, Arie wrote to his sons family at Almelo, the postcard was signed A. van Reijswoud and the street address was Bergweg, Rotterdam, the hospital. This postcard is the only known hand writing of Arie’s in existence, the post card itself was given to Duncan van Reijswoud from Wim van Doorne. Aaltje and Arie had three children. Apparently Arie’s daughters from his first marriage were placed in the Rotterdam orphanage, they were later all maids. This split the family apart.


Translation of postcard written by Arie van Reijswoud in 1910


Eva and Diena had three little brothers
makes five of that little rascals
Willem can already read and write very well
and Egbert can quarrel good with his sister and brother
leaves still little Koos, but that one is of all the clever fellow.
Good bye Koos, Diena and children
Greetings from all of us.
Little Neeltje is getting better.
Your father A. v. Reijswoud.
Sender A. v. Reijswoud
Bergweg Hospital Rotterdam.


Postmarked 3rd May 1910 – Arie died 11th May 1910.


Issue from Arie van Reijswoud’s first marriage:

1. Jacobus van Reijswoud, Koos, born 23rd Apr. 1876 at Rotterdam, follows VIIIB.

2. Geertrui van Reijswoud, Truus, born 12th Nov. 1879 at Rotterdam, married 8th Mar. 1905 at Rotterdam to Willem Frederick Helm, born around 1880 at Rotterdam. Willem was an apprentice shoemaker and was the son of Johannes Helm and Maria Roodhorst. Witnesses at their marriage in 1905 were: Andries Evert van Loenen, 28 years, furniture maker; Cornelis Markwat, 38 years, mason; Evert Bernardus van Loenen, 58 years, saddle maker; and Leendert den Engelse, 29 years, carpenter, Truus’s parents were present at the wedding and gave their permission. Truus and Willem moved to The United States of America.

3. Hendrik van Reijswoud, born 28th Jan. 1882 at Rotterdam, warehouse worker, died 16th Apr. 1946 at Rotterdam, married first: 1st Jun. 1904 at Rotterdam to Wilhelmina Johanna Helena Diesch, born around 1882 at Dordrecht in - divorced 15th Nov. 1920 at Rotterdam, married second:  29th Apr. 1925 at Rotterdam to Johanna Margaretha Clara van Winkelhof, born 15th Mar. 1885 at Rotterdam, died 13th Dec. 1929, married third: 7th Aug. 1935 at Rotterdam to Maria Bogaars, born 21st May 1907 at Rotterdam, died after 1946. Hendrik had no children, although his third wife had an illegitimate child called Hugo Bogaars born 15th Nov. 1928 at Rotterdam, Hendrik apparently did not adopt Hugo since he retained the family name Bogaars. 

4. Justus van Reijswoud, born 3rd  Mar. 1884 at Rotterdam, follows VIIIC.

5. Arie van Reijswoud, born 16th Apr. 1886 at Rotterdam, follows VIIID.

6. Helena Augusta van Reijswoud, Lena, born 24th Aug. 1888 at Rotterdam, died 23rd Oct. 1954 at Rotterdam, married 15th Sept. 1909 at Rotterdam to Dirk Oussoren, born 14th Oct. 1881 at Vinkeveen, died 30th Aug. 1954 at Rotterdam. Issue: Dieuwertje Oussoren born 13th Dec. 1909.  died  26th Nov. 2003. married with Gerrit Berends born 23th Juni 1909 at Apeldoorn,, Willie, Hendrik, Dick, Guusta and Truus. The first four children were photographed in 1922 and the other two about 10 years later. Their birthdays are not known. They probably lived in Rotterdam

7. Maria Wilhelmina van Reijswoud, born 13th Apr. 1893 at Rotterdam, died 8th Apr. 1960 at Den Haag, married 18th Nov. 1914, at S'-Gravenhage to Joseph Johannes Muiselaar, (Sjef) born 30th Sept. 1891, at S'-Gravenhage, Joseph died around 1983, age 86 years. He kept in contact with Annie Leidelmeyer. I was told this couple had no children, however in 2003 I discovered from my third cousin Jan that they did have children.


8. Wilhelmina Rosetta van Reijswoud, (Tante Mien) born 19th Mar. 1895 at Rotterdam, died 8th Mar. 1974 at Rotterdam, married 1st Feb. 1933 at Rotterdam to Wilhelm Frederick Tempelaar, born 5th Jan. 1894 at Rotterdam, died 15th Feb. 1948 at Rotterdam. They had one child called Dirk Hendrik Tempelaar, born 13th Oct. 1933 at Rotterdam, Dirk married there 28th Apr. 1964 to M. Westerveld. Dirk was still alive in 1988. Tante Mien was a house cleaner. Her stepmother, Aaltje also sent Neeltje to stay with Tante Mien.


Issue from Arie's second marriage to Abigael.


9. Cornelis Willem van Reijswoud, born 23rd Jun. 1901 at Rotterdam. No further record. Probably died in infancy.

10. Willem van Reijswoud, born 22nd Feb. 1903 at Rotterdam, follows VIIIE.

11. Neeltje van Reijswoud, born 27th Aug. 1905 at Rotterdam. Married 14th Sept. 1927 at Rotterdam to Herman Oosterloo. Neeltje (Nelly) was already pregnant when she married Herman, but her child’s father was a sailor and not Herman, however Neeltje’s son has the name Hilbertus Hermanus Oosterloo.


VIIIB. Jacobus van Reijswoud, Koos, (son of V11C) born 23rd Apr. 1876 at Rotterdam, engine driver for the Dutch railways, died 29th Jan. 1939 at Almelo, married 21st Jun. 1898 at Almelo to Berendina Landhuis, Dina, born 7th Jan. 1876 at Almelo, died 1st Sept. 1963 in hospital at Enschede.


Today 29th Jan. 1939 died our beloved husband, father and grandfather Mr. Jacobus van Reijswoud, age 62. Almelo: widow B. van Reijswoud – Landhuis, Hengelo: A.W. van Reijswoud and R. van Reijswoud – Rompelman and children, Enschede: H.W. van Doorne – van Reijswoud and A.C. van Reijswoud and child, Almelo: E. van Reijswoud, Hengelo: J. van Reijswoud and G. van Reijswoud – Francois and child.


Almelo, 29th January 1939

Alidastraat 11


The funeral will take place on Wednesday 1st February at 12.30p.m. held at the deceased home 11 Alidastraat.


Funeral of Jacobus van Reijswoud


The Almelo division of Pensioners Dutch Railways informs us; Of particular interest, our comrade of the union of pensioners, the old guard, were the remains of Jacobus van Reijswoud trusted to the grave, by the gravesite, a eulogy was read by Mr. Wiederloldt, which reads as follows; A few weeks ago we stood together to read the rights to a member of our division. Now again we are recalled to do this terrible plight, to say goodbye to a man who was in the prime of his life and a breadwinner for life. Nothing is worse than death; death makes no distinction between young, old, rich, poor, good and bad. Relentless and without hesitation he uses his sickle to mow down the lives of people.


Now it was our friend van Reijswoud’s turn. His family has lost a reliable man and father, the union a reliable member. You were a reliable comrade for your colleagues and always prepared to help where needed. When you left the railway, you remained the same and in the union you were a prominent figure. We will miss you, but above all, goes our sympathy to the family, which is thrown in such grievance. Words cannot comfort your grievance. Let it be a comfort that with the sympathy in many hearts he will be remembered. Comrade – rest in peace.      


Actual translation of death notice from 1963:


In the hospital “Ziekenborg,” passed away today our dear beloved mother and grandmother. Berendina Landhuis, widow of Jacobus van Reijswoud at the age of 87 years. Children, grandchildren and great grandchildren address to send condolences:

September 1st, 1963 at Almelo, Nieuwstraat 35. The service will be held Friday September 6th at 11.00 a.m. in ‘T Kerkeland, Troelstralenlaan 1 Almelo and after the burial will take place at the Algemene Begraafplaats at 12 noon. Interested parties are required to be present at ‘T Kerkeland at 10.45 a.m.



1. Arie Wilhelm van Reijswoud, born 5th Feb. 1900 at Stad Almelo, follows IXA.

2. Egbert van Reijswoud, born 7th Sept. 1901 at Stad Almelo, apprentice engine driver for the Dutch Railways, died 21st Aug. 1920, at S'-Gravenhaag, married to Johanna Jacoba Maria Will, Annie (Zus), born 8th Apr. 1906.No issue. Annie remarried to Tom Visser. Annie Visser died in her 88th year, 24th Mar. 1995 at Den Haag.

3.Hendrina Wilhelmina van Reijswoud, Zus, born 6th May 1903 at Stad Almelo, married 5th Apr. 1930 at Almelo to Albert Christiaan van Doorne 1905 - 1985, they had two children: Wim van Doorne, born 20-7-1932, Betsy van Doorne, born 5-6-1939. Zus died 6th Mar. 1996 at Enschede.

4. Eva van Reijswoud, born 25th Oct. 1904 at Amersfoort, in the period 1994 – 1999 Eva was living at Almelo. Eva never married.

5. Jacobus van Reijswoud, born 7th Jun. 1908 at Ambt Almelo, follows IXB.


Death Notice Of Egbert van Reijswoud


Today, we announce the passing away, after a short but massive illness our comrade Egbert van Reijswoud. In life he was an apprentice engine driver for the Dutch railways. He will remain in memory. Den Hague Management division. 22nd August 1930.


Today we announce the passing away at Den Hague, after a short but patient suffering, our beloved son and brother, Egbert van Reijswoud at the age of 28. In life he was an apprentice engine driver for the Dutch railways. Family: van Reijswoud.


Almelo; August 21st, 1930. Alidastraat 11. General Announcement.


Mr. Egbert van Reijswoud, apprentice engine driver for the Dutch railways in the division of Den Hague, who passed away August 21st, 1930, was born September 7th, 1901 in the town of Almelo and began his apprenticeship June 21st, 1920 as an engine driver at Amersfoort. On August 29th, 1920 he was transferred to Almelo and from there, he was transferred to Hattem on October 16th, 1922. From August 3rd, 1923 he was placed at Den Hague.  Hatten H 


IXA. Arie Wilhelm van Reijswoud, Willem, (son of V111B) born 5th Feb. 1900 at Almelo, draughtsman for a stock company, technical constructor, died June 1940 at Hengelo, married 30th  Jan. 1925, to Regina Rompelman, Giene, born 16th Jun. 1899 at Almelo, died 29th Dec. 1975 at Hengelo.



1. Jacobus van Reijswoud, (son of IXA) born 30th May 1927 at Hengelo, follows IXAA.

2. Riek van Reijswoud, (son of IXA) born 22nd Mar. 1932 at Hengelo, doctor’s assistant, married 16th Jul. 1956 at Hengelo to O. van Olphen, died Aug. 1991.

3. Willem van Reijswoud, (son of IXA) born 10th Dec. 1934 at Hengelo, follows IXAB.


IXB. Jacobus van Reijswoud, (son of V111B) born 7th Jun. 1908 at Ambt Almelo, private chauffeur for a doctor, died 1st Sept. 1968 at Hengelo, married Margarete Franscois, born 16th Jun. 1904, at Holzwickede, Germany, died 19th Oct. 1987 at Losser, Holland.



1. Egbert van Reijswoud, born 5th Jun. 1934 at Hengelo, follows IXAC.

2. Johan Jacobus van Reijswoud, born 1944 at Hengelo, died 22nd Oct 1945.

3. Bert van Reijswoud, born 1948, at Hengelo, nurse at Deventer, died 7th Nov. 1986.


IXAA. Jacobus van Reijswoud, born 30th May 1927 at Hengelo, died 30th Oct. 1969 at Zwolle, married 14th Aug. 1952 at Hengelo to Geertruida Petronella Ruchtie. Died 27th Mar 2002



1. Eric Peter van Reijswoud,  born 22nd Apr. 1955, at Hengelo.

2. Constance Heleen van Reijswoud, born 4th July 1959, at Hengelo. Married  17th Aug. 1983 at Apeldoorn to Rob  Jan Veeneman  born 7th Jun. 1954 at Apeldoorn, they have two children. 

1.     Michelle Veeneman born 24th Jan. 1985 at Nieuwegein

2.     Niels Veeneman born 14th Jul. 1988 at Deventer


IXAB. Willem van Reijswoud, (Wim) (son of IXA) born 10th Dec. 1934 at Hengelo, technician, living at Hengelo 1994, married 29th Aug. 1961 at Hengelo to Johanna Elizabeth Janssen, Jopie, born 7th Aug. 1936. Since 1990 Wim is retired and enjoys sailing in the summer on his sailing boat.



1. Victor Emil van Reijswoud, born 16th May 1963 at Hengelo, teacher at a university in Maastricht 1994.Victor married 28th Jun. 1996 at Den Haag to Liesbeth Marie Chistine Steuten born 2th jul 1968 at Nijmegen. Victor is a  Professor at the Univesity of Nkozi ,Uganda.


2. Barbera Evelien van Reijswoud, born 21st May 1969, Work currently as a geronto psychologist , living in Maastricht. Married to J. Smeekes they have two Children with the surname van Reijswoud.


Floris Marlijn van Reijswoud, born 3th Mar. 2002 at Maastricht.

Ella Deirdre van Reijswoud, born 7th Jul. 2003 at Maastricht.


IXAC. Egbert van Reijswoud, (son of IXB) born 5th Jun. 1934 at Hengelo, air traffic controller in the Royal Dutch Air force, official army number;, Egbert was in active military service as a reservist with the Royal Netherlands Army – Aviation Troops Command – from Jul. 15th 1953 until Jul. 16th 1954, lastly in the rank of corporal. Furthermore he served as private with the Royal Netherlands Army from Jul. 16th 1954 until Mar. 30th 1955. Finally he was in active military service as a regular military man with the Royal Netherlands Air-Force with the rank of warrant officer, from Mar. 30th 1955 until May 19th 1987, he died a month later 18th May 1987 at Losser, married 28th Feb. 1958 at Apeldoorn to Jacoba Annigje Fransina (Coty) Smit, born 19th Jun. 1936.



1. Martin van Reijswoud, born 23rd Jan. 1959 at Apeldoorn, follows IXAD.

2. Eric van Reijswoud, born 4th Sept. 1960 at Losser, follows IXAE.

3. Remco van Reijswoud, born 2nd Oct. 1963 at Losser, soldier in the Royal Netherlands Army, died 25th Jan. 1984 in West Germany at a military training camp in an accident between two M109's - heavy aromoured vehicles. Official army number;, in active military service as a private with the Royal Netherlands Army (draft 1982) – the artillery arm – lastly in the rank of sergeant from November 3rd 1982 until Jan. 25th 1984. Remco did not marry.


IXAD. Martin van Reijswoud, (son of IXAC) born 23rd Jan. 1959 at Apeldoorn, building supervisor, married 9th Oct. 1986 at Losser, to Carolina Suzana Hendrika (Carla) Struik, born 15th Mar. 1958 at Oldenzaal. They are living at Losser, 1994.



1. Marieke van Reijswoud, born 5th Jan. 1989 at Oldenzaal.

2. Renate van Reijswoud, born 26th Aug. 1990 at Oldenzaal.


IXAE. Eric van Reijswoud, (son of IXAC) born 4th Sept. 1960 at Losser, soldier with the rank of Sergeant - Major (1994), married 20th May 1988 to Anna Maria Ernestina (Ans) Meyerink, born 29th Sept. 1961 at Losser, they are living at Elburg in 1994.



1. Tim van Reijswoud, born 15th Sept. 1990 at Elburg.


VIIIC. Justus van Reijswoud, (son of VIIC) born 3rd Mar. 1884 at Rotterdam, died 3rd Oct. 1966 at Rotterdam, first married 6th Jul. 1910 at Rotterdam to Magdalina Lagerwaard, born 26th Sept. 1889 at Rotterdam, died 1949, married second to Neeltje van Hoorn.



1. Arie van Reijswoud, born 19th Sept. 1910 at Rotterdam, follows IXC.

2. Leendert van Reijswoud, Leen, born 17th Oct. 1911 at Rotterdam, follows IXD.

3. Justus van Reijswoud, born 1st  Nov. 1913, at Rotterdam and died 29th Dec.1913.

4. Justus van Reijswoud, born 15th Feb. 1915 at Rotterdam and died 9th Jul. 1915.

5. Hendrik van Reijswoud, Henk, born 21st Apr. 1918 at Rotterdam, follows IXE.

6. Karel van Reijswoud, born 9th Sept. 1921 at Rotterdam, follows IXF.

7. Magdaliena van Reijswoud, born 30th Oct. 1926 at Rotterdam.

8. Pieter van Reijswoud, Piet, born 28th Mar. 1930 at Rotterdam.


IXC. Arie van Reijswoud, (son of VIIIC.) born 19th Sept. 1910 at Rotterdam, lived at Rotterdam, married to Catharina Apolonia Verezen, born 1911, died 1987. Arie van Reijswoud died 25th Feb. 1996 at Rotterdam at the age of 85.



1. Maximilliaan van Reijswoud, born 1939 at Rotterdam follows XA.

2. Carla van Reijswoud, born 6th Jun. 1949, hairdresser, living at Spijkenisse 1994, married to Peter Leonard Jan de Koster, born 4th Dec. 1947.



1. Mark  Robin de Koster. follows XAF.

2. Manon Lylian de Koster.  follows XAG.                            

XAF. Mark  Robin de Koster. born  30th Jan. 1972 at Rotterdam living with Nathalie  Kock born 6th Dec. 1975 at Rotterdam, children son, Dominieq Justus de Koster born 5th April. 2005 at Spijkenisse

XAG. Manon Lylian de Koster. born 23th Jan. 1974 at Spijkenisse married 14th Sep. 2004 with John van Wijland born. 13th Nov.1966

XA. Maximiliaan van Reijswoud, (son of IXC) born 1939 at Rotterdam, married to Johanna Kraayeveld, born 1939.



1. Marco van Reijswoud, born 1967 at Rotterdam. Apparently  Marco is married and has a son called Duncan van Reijswoud.

2. Bianca van Reijswoud, born 1969 at Rotterdam.


IXD. Lendert van Reijswoud, (son of VIIIC) Leen, born 17th Oct. 1911 at Rotterdam, died 1976 married to Klazina Adriana Dunk, born 1916, died 1986.



1. Lenie van Reijswoud, born 1938 at Rotterdam.

2. Johanna van Reijswoud, born 1940 at Rotterdam.

3. Evert van Reijswoud, born 1955 at Rotterdam, follows XB.


XB. Evert van Reijswoud, (son of IXD) born 1955 at Rotterdam, married to Ronda Spek, born 1953.



1. Alwin van Reijswoud, born 1979, at Rotterdam.

2. Elmar van Reijswoud, born 1982, at Rotterdam.

3. Adam van Reijswoud, born 1987, at Rotterdam.


IXE. Hendrik van Reijswoud, (son of VIIIC) Henk, born 21st Apr. 1918 at Rotterdam, died 30th Apr. 1966, married 19th Mar. 1945 in the Swedish Embassy at Berlin, Germany to Teuntje Voorschuur, born 11th Jun. 1917.



1. Dirk van Reijswoud, born 28th Aug. 1945 at Rotterdam, follows XC.

2. Hans van Reijswoud, born 11th Nov. 1948 at Rotterdam, follows XD.

3. Anneke van Reijswoud, born 5th Jul. 1953 at Rotterdam, she is married to Bert de Jong; they have three sons Wouter, Jasper and Vincent.

Rinske de Jong Born 1th Nov.1977, Died the same day.

Wouter Michiel de Jong  born. 17th Feb.1979

Jasper Jochem de Jong born. 6th Aug.1981

Vincent Bastiaan de Jong born. 9th Feb.1984



XC. Dirk van Reijswoud, (son of IXE) born 28th Aug. 1945 at Rotterdam, married to Ineke van Rossum, born 11th Nov. 1944, Dirk works for the Rotterdam Electricity Company they have one child.



1. Marlijn van Reijswoud, born 19th Dec. 1980 at Rotterdam.


XD. Hans van Reijswoud, (son of IXE) born 11th Nov. 1948 at Rotterdam, married to Ineke Blankenspoor, they currently live at Garnwerd and one child.



1. Luuk van Reijswoud, born 30th Nov. 1978 at Rotterdam.


IXF. Karel van Reijswoud, (son of VIIIC) born 9th Sept. 1921 at Rotterdam, died 1981 married to Francisca Tutor, born 1922.



1. Els van Reijswoud. born 19?? at Neurenberg Germany.

2. Klaus van Reijswoud, (twins) born 1954 at Neurenberg Germany, follows XE.

3. Peter van Reijswoud, (twins) born 1954 at Neurenberg Germany, follows XF.

4. Justus van Reijswoud, born 1961 at Neurenberg Germany.

1.     Tessa van Reijswoud born 27th Jul. 19??


XE. Klaus van Reijswoud, (son of IXF), born 1954 at Neurenberg Germany, married first to Dinie Braat 11th April. 1957 two children,  married second to Petra Leeuwis, born 1968. three children



1. Louise van Reijswoud, born 1979 at Alblasserdam.


Damian Huig Piorot, born  27th Juli. 1996 at Dordrecht.

Quintin Poirot, born 21th Juni. 2000 at Dordrecht.


2. Natanja van Reijswoud, born 1981 at Dordrecht.

3. Ricardo van Reijswoud, born 1986 at Alblasserdam.

4. Ronald van Reijswoud, born 1988 at Sliedrecht.

5. Sonny van Reijswoud, born 4th Feb.1990 at Alblasserdam.


XF. Peter van Reijswoud, (son of IXF), born 1954 at Neurenberg Germany, married to Sonja Oliver, born 1961.



1. Stefan van Reijswoud, born 1983 at Rotterdam.

2. Michael van Reijswoud, born 1989 at Rotterdam.

3. Thomas van Reijswoud , born 4th April 1997 or 98


IXG. Pieter van Reijswoud, (son of VIIIC) born 1930 at Rotterdam, died 1 Jan. 1999 at Rotterdam, married to Geertrui Westenberg, born 1931.



1. Peter van Reijswoud, born 14th Feb.1962 at Rotterdam,

2. Eddie van Reijswoud, (twins) born 25th Jan. 1965 at Rotterdam, married to Alexandra Louisa Christina Strausz, born 15th Sep 1972 at Rotterdam (divorced 8th Jan. 2004)

3. Freddie van Reijswoud, (twins) born 25th Jan. 1965 at Rotterdam.


V111D. Arie van Reijswoud, (son of VIIC) born 16th Apr. 1886 at Rotterdam, Master of Arms, sergeant in the third battalion of the Regiment Grenadiers and Jagers (1902-1910), voluntary sergeant in the 4th company of the Brigade Grenadiers and Jagers (1914-1917), Arie enlisted as a soldier in the Dutch army on the 11th of August 1902 and signed for eight years. On the 21st of February 1903 he received the titular rank of corporal, and on the 23rd of May 1903 he received the rank of corporal effectively. He was transferred from the Instruction Company to the Regiment of Grenadiers and Jagers on the 23rd of May 1903, and from there; to the General Depot of Discipline on the 15th of November 1904. During his stay at the Depot of Discipline he was confined to quarters on several occasions, once for falling asleep at a park bench another time for not looking after the laundry. His quarters consisted of a small wooden bed with draws underneath for his uniforms, which had to be kept in good order. Arie transferred back to the Regiment of Grenadiers and Jagers on the 14th of March 1905. On the 25th of April 1907 he was promoted to the rank of sergeant. The Queen of Holland was often part of ceremonies at the Haag palace where Arie served as a Queen’s guard. Arie was decorated for six years of service with the military on the 11th of August 1908, and a photograph was made of him and his future wife on that day at Den Haag.

His decoration included special stripes on his collar. He left the army on the 10th of August 1910, when his contract was fulfilled. On the 17th of August 1910 Arie van Reijswoud was married at Den Haag, at his marriage he legitimized his son Arie who was already two weeks old. Between this period and The First World War Arie found it very difficult to find work, as all he knew was the army. During the national mobilization due to the First World War, and the threat of war with Germany, (although The Netherlands stayed neutral) Arie volunteered and was signed on as sergeant on the 8th of September 1914. Because he signed as a volunteer for an undetermined period he received a premium of 150 guilders, quite a large amount of money in those days. In 1916 Arie had orders to command an entire garrison division at Rotterdam. On the 20th of August 1917, he was honourably discharged in the rank of sergeant. Arie van Reijswoud was a master swordsman having held the distinction of master of arms in the army. He also was an expert at self-defense. Arie became a shopkeeper and janitor after the war and he worked at a photography shop owned by his son. His daughter Annie took most of the photographs out of the shop in 1939 for the German army overtook it after the invasion of Holland. It is possible during the second world war Arie wore an official uniform (not army) but what for is not known. In 1948 he appeared at a wedding where the last picture of him was taken, after this relatives wedding he took his grandson for a drive and showed him his workplace. Arie died (8th May) 1948 at Rotterdam; his grandson Arie Robert van Reijswoud was at Arie’s funeral in 1948, and at the dividing of Arie’s furniture and possessions, there was never a legal Will. Arie van Reijswoud did not own a house, Arie Robert and his father got very little, Arie Robert wanted his grandfather’s push bike but received nothing. Arie van Reijswoud first married; 17th Aug. 1910 to Maria Elisabeth van der Erf, born 29th Nov. 1888 at Den Haag, she died 7th Apr. 1929. Maria was a seamstress and served the Queen and her ladies, she was often used as a dance partner at official balls and functions where it was thought she met Arie and she was already with Arie at the time of his decoration for six years with the army in 1908. Witnesses at their wedding were; Johannes van der Erf, butcher, Johanna Arens, J. P. van der Erf, J.W. Stock, W.F. Helm, the city registrar was P. Lorie. Arie married second to Magdalena Sluyters, born 1894, at Rotterdam. Magdalena died at Rotterdam 26th July 1977. In 1902 Arie and Elisabeth lived at Delftsche Laan 62, The Hague.


On the death certificate of Arie van Reijswoud, which was declared on 10th May 1948 it states Arie died 8th May 1948 at 7.30pm age 62 years, without profession. He was buried at Rotterdam in grave 1730.


Some historical facts about the Grenadiers and Jagers:


The Grenadiers and Jagers regiments, was founded by King Willem in 1829, with the aim of serving directly under the eye of the king. From the beginning there was and still is particular relations with the Royal House and palace at Den Haag. Being specially selected to serve in the regiments of the Grenadiers and Jagers means an honourable distinction as such. In 1951 a monument was unveiled to commemorate those who were killed on the battlefields and every year in May a commemorative ceremony is held.


Marriage certificate City of The Hague, year 1910, No. 1470


Annexes to the marriage certificate kept separately and destroyed by a bombardment during the war in March 1945.


Today 17th August 1910 appeared before us, councilor of the registrar of the Municipality of The Hague in the town hall: Arie van Reijswoud, 24 years, master sergeant, born in Rotterdam, living in this city, son of Arie van Reijswoud and Wilhelmina Rosetta Eringaard, both deceased, and Maria van der Erf, age 21 years, seamstress of corsets, born and living here, daughter of Johannes van der Erf, butcher and Johanna Arens, without trade, both living here. They have requested to be lawfully married, consent has been given on the 7th and 14th of this month. They have declared their vowels to each other, as required by law, and we, in the name of the law, have declared them lawfully married. Also the newlywed couple has reported, that a child was born to them on 8th May 1910 with the name Arie, registered in the registrar as the son of Maria van der Erf, which they recognize as their child. These events were witnessed by Johannes Petrus van der Erf, age 22 years, grocer, brother of the bride, from The Hague, Jan Willem Stork, age 25 years, business traveler, from The Hague, Willem Frederick Helm, age 30 years, shoemaker, from Rotterdam, Pieter Lorie, age 28 years, without trade, from The Hague. After the reading, these documents were signed by her parents and the witnesses.


To be part of the Regiment Arie belonged to you had to be single, it was the Jagers he was in and that outfit is somewhat like modern commandos. Because Maria van der Erf was a seamstress for the Queen and her ladies by 1910 although Arie tried to hide it he was forced to resign from the army, because by then everyone knew about him and Maria and the fact that Maria was already pregnant. Arie found it hard to get work until the First World War. 


1. Arie van Reijswoud, Bob, born 8th May 1910 at Rotterdam, follows IXH.

2. Johanna Geertruida van Reijswoud, Annie, born 22nd Feb. 1915 at Rotterdam, married 1942 to Emile Alphonse Leidelmeyer, born 2nd Oct. 1912. They had one child, Emile Richard Alphonse Leidelmeyer born 2nd Sept. 1945. They were living at Den Hagg. Aunt Annie died 6th Jan. 1999, at Den Haag. She had owned a large collection of old photographs from the van Reijswoud family, one photo of her grandfather was given to Duncan van Reijswoud, and this picture had sat on Aaltje’s window ledge for many years. Tante Annie told me that her father took her on Sundays at 11 o’clock in the morning to see her grandmother Aaltje. Also other brothers and sisters of her father would visit. Tante Annie had a picture of Aaltje with two children, Neeltje and Willem. Tante Annie visited Almelo in 1923 and visited that branch of the family.

3. Elizabeth Wilhelmina van Reijswoud, Bep, born 12th May 1921 at Rotterdam, in the war of 1939 – 1945 her house was blown up by a V2 rocket while she was visiting her sister, she married first 1947 to Anne Louis Philipe Leidelmeyer, born 29th May 1909, 0ne child, Ingrid Sylvia Leidelmeyer, born 9th Oct. 1950, Bep married second Jan. 1956 to Willem Dirk Bodewitz. One child, Wibertus Dennis Bodewitz, born 1st Apr. 1956, Bep moved to Belgium, no further record.

4. Wilhelmus van Reijswoud, Will, born 17th Jul. 1925 at Rotterdam, follows IXI.


The Second World War 1939 – 1945 breaks apart the van Reijswoud family forever; those that were once close family would be no longer. Before the war all the van Reijswoud family knew each other, but since 1939 all family connections were lost. Since this research started in 1989 many branches of the family find each other again.


IXH. Arie van Reijswoud, (son of VIIID) Bob, born 8th May 1910, at 's-Gravenhage, (his parents legitimized him on their wedding certificate 17/5/1910) he was conscripted into the Royal Netherlands Army as part of compulsory training in the 22nd Infantry Regiment as a machine gunner in Company 2. Arie actually was in the theater of war during World War Two until May 1940, unfortunately his conscript was almost finished, and he was caught in the first wave of the German attack and his whole regiment were taken prisoners of war, he was forced to work in Kassel Germany for the rest of the war. His son remembers the first bombing, for Cornelia van Reijswoud – Kok looked out the window at Rotterdam and cried, for she knew her husband and family were right underneath the bombing, this was the first time Arie Robert saw his mother cry. During the war times were hard, there was no electricity so one had to endure the long cold winters, this meant that cooking - if any food available - was nearly impossible.


Cornelia’s father Wim Kok could cook the dinner with one coal on the fire and a straw to keep it going. The German V2 rockets had blown all windows out of most of the houses in Rotterdam so this too meant the cold in side the house was the same as outside. Cornelia van Reijswoud and her family were very poor so could only afford the minimal essentials. Arie returned home after the war he threw his uniform away swearing never to wear it again, he was discharged still in the rank of a private in July 1952, having completed his compulsory service.  In 1948 after his father died he divorced; Cornelia Kok had organized this divorce, which was dissolved in 1952. Cornelia Kok was forced to provide for her four children, this lasted from the start of the war until 1952. Arie later became an Optician at Delft, he worked on optical instruments like X-Ray scanners for hospital, this was a position he held for some 30 years. This work was apparently of some importance and secret, he had some involvement with manufacturing instrumentation, he died 21st Feb. 1989 at Rotterdam. Arie married first to Cornelia Trijntje Kok, born 29th Sept. 1908, died 6th Apr. 1993, divorced 1948, he married second to Cornelia Koogje, born 3rd Nov. 1922, and in the period 1994 – 2000 she is living in Rotterdam.


City Council Rotterdam:


Today 15th Feb. 1933 appeared before me, councilor of registrations, in public at the town hall, together into Matrimony. Arie van Reijswoud age 22, optician, born at Den Hague, son of Arie van Reijswoud age 46, business traveler, living here and Maria van der Erf, deceased, and Cornelia Trijntje Kok age 24, without trade, born and living here, daughter of Willem Hendrik Kok age 49, insurance agent, living here and Trijntje Kleyenburg deceased. The father of the groom and the father of the bride have given their consent. The announcement of consent has validated the marriage which took place on 4th Feb. 1933. I have asked the bride if they excepted their partners and the responsibility which by law attached to a wedding after receiving affirmation on these questions. I have declared them married in the name of the law.


Witness were: Adriana Kok age 41, clerk, aunt of the bride, Magdalena Sluyters age 38, without trade, both living here.





Actual Letter written by Arie van Reijswoud 11th November 1984 at Spijkenisse:


Grandson Duncan


Your grandfather is an old man, he is already 12 years patient and invalid. He is very glad a letter of you to get. In the war 1940 – 1945 is very much to be lost, I attempt in the English to written (what I 63 years back as pupil of the school yet remember). It is not the very best grandson!


 Dutch (translated)

As I have remarked, in the war, many things were lost, belongings and papers etc. So I have to go by what I remember my parents told me and not what is in writing. My father (your great grandfather) was an officer in the Grenadiers and Jagers Corps, created by King Willem 2. The Grenadiers were only for the tall people, whilst the Jagers (translated hunters, today’s commandos) were tough men, they had to be single and had to have a specialty, with a weapon at the time.

Your great grandfather had the distinction of being master of all weapons (Master of Arms). These army corps served as guards for the Royal Palace and guards of honour as well the officers was asked to functions and balls as dance partners. The Queen and her ladies were being served by maids and dressmakers (seamstresses) to attend to their dresses on the occasions. One of these dressmakers became your great grandmother.

In 1910 I was born and my father had to leave the army, when he married. He found it very difficult to get a job because he knew nothing other than the army. My parents had a very hard time until 1914 when the war broke out and he got a job as military instructor for 6 years, after that he went into business, until he died in 1948. (Born 1886 – 1948 A. van Reijswoud).

My grandfather died the day I was born 8th May 1910. All I know about him, he was a religious man strict in the upbringing of his family, but a hard worker. The generation before that, lived in the time of the French occupation, Napoleon ruled the Dutch. The same Napoleon made a compulsory register and registered every citizen of the country. People had to appear before a French magistrate who wrote their names and Christian names in the register. Because of the Language, many incorrect names as well as spelling mistakes were made.

This is how the name Reijswoud originated, through a spelling mistake from the original Renswoude, which belonged to a knighthood from the 16th century. This is about all that my parents knew. Now you spell your name different again, Reyswoud, that becomes a new branch to the family tree.


Issue from Bob’s first marriage:

1. Elizabeth Trijntje van Reijswoud, Elly, born 19th Jan. 1934 at Rotterdam, follows EVR.

2. Cornelia Forra van Reijswoud, Kitty, born 5th May 1935 at Rotterdam, married to Gerardus Boskamp. They have one son, follows CF1. Kitty divorced 1991 Gerard Boskamp who moved to New York, America and Kitty is now using her maiden name van Reijswoud.

3. Arie Robert van Reijswoud, Bob, born 11th Feb. 1937 at Delfshaven - Rotterdam, follows XG.

4. Forra Cornelia van Reijswoud, Floor, born 26th  Sept. 1947 at Rotterdam, married to Jan M. Veltman, in the period 1980 - 2000 they were living in Den Bosch with two children, Nanette and Jerone.


Issue from Bob's second marriage:  

1. Richard Koogje, born 2nd Jul.1951 at Rotterdam, telephone engineer, married 8th Aug. 1978 at Spijkenisse to Tonny Cornelissen, born 6th Jun. 1956 at Rotterdam, her occupation; maker of fine dolls, teacher, florist. Both Richard and Tonny are living at Rotterdam. Issue: Lucas Koogje, born 9th Dec. 1992 at Spijkenisse, Holland.

2. Otto van Reijswoud, born 11th May 1956, at Rotterdam still living at Rotterdam, occupation mechanic.


CF1. Eddy Boskamp, born 12th Aug. 1955 at Rotterdam, married 18th Dec. 1984 to Ingrid Schmitz, born 30th Dec. 1963. Ed is a nuclear scientist. This family moved c1989 to America.



1. Marloes Boskamp, born 15th Apr. 1986 at Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

2. Sandra Boskamp, born 29th Sept. 1987 at Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

3. Lisa Boskamp, born 22nd Oct. 1990 at Connecticut, America.

4. Thijs Benjamin Boskamp, born 5th Sept. 1996 at Milwaukee, America.


EVR. Elizabeth Trijntje van Reijswoud, Elly, born 19th Jan. 1934 at Rotterdam, married 15th Apr. 1953 at Rotterdam, to Reinderd Cornelis David Schuurman, Rein, born 8th Jul. 1931 at Amsterdam, this family moved to Sydney, Australia in 1965. Rein worked in a military factory in Holland on the F104 Star fighter aircraft, he also served with the Netherlands army.



1. John Schuurman, born 30th Sept. 1953 at Rotterdam, follows JS.

2. Robbie Schuurman, born c. 1956. Died young, at Rotterdam.

3. Ronald Schuurman, Ron, born 19th Feb. 1962 at Rotterdam.  Ron is due to marry his fiancée Tina in Ohio in April 2003.


JS. John Schuurman, born 30th Sept. 1953 at Rotterdam, moved 1965, to Sydney, Australia, married c1979 to Sue Graham, born 26th Aug. 1953 at Melbourne, Australia.



1. Samantha Schuurman, born 11th Jul. 1980 at Penrith, Sydney, Australia.

2. Emma Schuurman, born 11th Oct. 1982 at Wahroongah, Sydney, Australia.


XG. Arie Robert van Reijswoud - Reyswoud, (son of IXH) Bob, born 11th Feb. 1937, at Delfshaven - Rotterdam, he can remember the sound of his pram on the road in Delfshaven, he was educated at Minerva School at Rotterdam and broke his leg at 9 years of age. During World War Two in the two year period 1943-1944 he moved to Makkum, Friesland, and stayed on a small vegetable plantation with Ale and Jelle Doelen, whom Bob or Robbie as he was then known called his Uncle and Aunt although they were not related. He traveled on his own with a special letter back to his mother in Rotterdam once every few months. This was mostly by train but one trip was made by horse and cart and was a much longer journey. On the small plantation was a vegetable shop where Robbie helped out. After the war he continued his education where at the age of 15 he enlisted at the Opleiding Schip Nederlander, seaman’s school, he served abroad on the following ships and steamers s.s/m.s Alchiba 4 Apr. 1952 to 25 Jun. 1953, s.s/m.s Aldabi and Alhena 26 Jun. 1953 to 23 Apr. 1954, and on s.s/m.s Alhena to 20 Jul. 1954, discharged 13 Aug. 1954, migrated in 1955 to Sydney, Australia, he became an electrician, became an Australian citizen in 1963, Bob first worked in Australia for a flourmill and his first home was in St. Marks Avenue at Randwick.


Bob was director of his own Jewelers factory 1965 to 1985, and later was in charge of a small chocolate distribution warehouse and a bread company during the 1990s, he was also an amateur property developer and renovator, he and some friends sang at the spot where the Opera House was then being constructed. Bob met at his flat in 1963 Elizabeth Dunn, he married 2nd Apr. 1964 at Lindfield to Elizabeth Jean Haldane Dunn, Liz, born 13th Jun. 1938 at East Melbourne, baptized 13th Nov 1938, at Melbourne. Liz was a computer consultant by trade, from 1999 to 2001 she was financial controller of the Australian branch for a major corporation. In the 1970s Bob and Liz lived in Killara, in the late 1980s lived at Palm Beach and Allambie Heights and in the mid 90s live in the Blue Mountains where both are now retired at Wentworth Falls.



1. Richard Arie van Reijswoud, born 22nd Mar. 1966, follows XGI.

2. Duncan Thomas van Reijswoud, born 22nd Jan. 1969, at Hornsby hospital in Sydney, educated at Knox Grammar School. Computer expert & warehouseman. I visited Renswoude in 1990 and whilst in the Netherlands I made several important historical finds for the van Reijswoud family tree, I also celebrated my birthday in Holland that year and visited the Grenadiers and Jagers army base and Den Haag, lastly I stopped and visited the Queens Palace and my great Aunty. I married at Wentworth Falls 15th Mar. 2003 Elizabeth (Lilly) |born 1970 Sri Suniarti, a language teacher from Bandung Indonesia. I have been studying the family tree since  about 1987 and am still finding out new things.


XGI. Richard Arie van Reyswoud, (accountant) born 22nd Mar. 1966 at the Royal North Shore hospital in Sydney, educated at Knox Grammar School and Wollongong University, married to Jillian Turner, born 15th Jun. 1963 at Naracoorte, South Australia. Richard is currently a financial controller for an investment company and is an active member of the church. Currently Richard and Jill are living at Belrose, Sydney since1996.



1. Hayden William Arie van Reyswoud, born 26th May 1994 at Fox valley Road Wahroonga, baptized, 31st Jul. 1994 at East Killara, Uniting Church, Sydney.

2. Lauren Eileen Elizabeth van Reyswoud, born 29th Mar. 1996 at Fox valley Road Wahroonga, baptized 23rd  Jun. 1996 at East Killara, Uniting Church, Sydney.

3. Kimberley Ellen Fay van Reyswoud, born 6th     Dec. 1998 at Fox valley Road Wahroonga.


IXI. Wilhelmus van Reijswoud, (son of VIID) Will, born 17th Jul. 1925 at Rotterdam, died 15th Jan. 1993 at Rotterdam, married to Pieternella Willemina Philips, Willy, born 1929. Will was with the Dutch Underground during the Second World War; later he was a sergeant in the Royal Netherlands Army. After this his occupation is not known.



1. Maria Elizabeth van Reijswoud, Bep, born 26th Apr. 1949, married to Henk Verbrugge. Issue: Angelique born 13th Mar. 1972 & Sharon born 3rd Feb. 1975.

2. Anna Cornelia Maria van Reijswoud, Anneke, born 22nd Feb. 1953, married to Derk Boerma. Issue: Albert born 7th Mar. 1977 & Willy born 12th Aug. 1979.

3. Arie van Reijswoud, Aad (twins) born 3rd Mar. 1954, follows XH.

4. Johanna Lambertha van Reijswoud, Joke, (twins) born 3rd Mar. 1954, married to

Martin van Leeuwen. Issue: Marielle born 5th Jul. 1976.


XH. Arie van Reijswoud, (son of IXI) (Twins) Aad, born 3rd Mar. 1954, Dutch Marines, dactyloscoop [fingerprint specialist] for Interpol - International Police, working to solve murder crimes in Holland and Europe, later in 1990 Aad was a trainguard by the Dutch Railways at Rotterdam tracking international fraud, married first  to Wendy van der Ende, married second 24th Sept. 1993 at Rijnswaterstraat 11 Rotterdam – Kralingen to Marja Visser.



1. Rudy van Reijswoud, born 7th Sept. 1982, at Rotterdam.

2. Kimberly van Reijswoud, born 26th Dec. 1986, at Rotterdam.


VIIIE. Willem van Reijswoud, (son of VIIC) born 22nd Feb. 1903 at Rotterdam, engineer for the Dutch railways, died 15th Jun. 1970 at Alkmaar, married 16th Dec. 1926 at Velsen to Trijntje Catharina Postma, born 18th Mar. 1907 at Velsen.      died 23th  Sept. 2000 at Alkmaar




1. Willy van Reijswoud, born 22nd Oct. 1947 at Alkmaar, Electrotechn. entrepreneur (retired) ,married 20th May 1969 at Vlaardingen to Margaretha Adriana Grooters. born 2th Mar. 1949 at Delft.



1. Robbert van Reijswoud, (Rob) born 29th Dec. 1972 at Alkmaar, graduate of the university of Twente in Enschede, master’s degree in Economy and Sociology , director city development and management at Enkhuizen. controller, married 14th Feb. 2000 to Marjan Hendika Smit, born 8th Feb. 1972. Rob and Marjan have one daughter Verena Catharina van Reijswoud, born 30th Sept. 1999. This family now lives at Westerland (Wieringen).


VB. Marcelis van Renswoud - van Rijnswoud - van Rijnswout, (son of IVA) baptized 10th Jan. 1768 at Delfshaven, Rotterdam (witness was Aaltje van Rijnswou), Jongman of Rotterdam 1799, seller of milk, died 17th Mar. 1843, married 16th Jun. 1799 at Rotterdam (publication of the banns there 2nd June) to Maria van der Does.


This family lived in Rotterdam on the Nieuwstraat in the period 1800 to 1811.



1. Otto van Renswoud, born 29th Mar. 1800 at Rotterdam, baptized Rotterdam 6th Apr. 1800 (witness Grietje Lagerwaard), died 22nd Jun. 1800 at Rotterdam.

2. Anna van Renswoud, born 23rd Sept. 1801 at Rotterdam, baptized Rotterdam 4th Oct. 1801, married probably at Rotterdam 1st Nov. 1826 to N.N. Vermeij. Issue not known. 

3. Margarita (Margaretha) van Renswoud, born 28th Jan. 1804 at Rotterdam, baptized 12th Feb. 1804, married probably Rotterdam 5th May 1824 to N.N.Linders.

Issue not known.

4. Jannetje van Renswoud, born 14th Dec. 1805 at Rotterdam, baptized 19th Dec. 1805 at Rotterdam, married probably Rotterdam 25th Nov. 1835 to N.N. van der Does. Issue not known.

5. Otto van Renswoud/Renswoude /Rijswoud, born 1st Feb. 1808 at Rotterdam, follows VIB.

6. Jan van Renswoud, born 4th Feb. 1811 at Rotterdam, baptized Rotterdam 21st Apr. 1811, died before 1820.

7. Jan van Renswoud - van Renswoude, born 30th Oct. 1820 at Rotterdam, follows VIC.


VIB. Otto van Renswoud - van Renswoude - van Rijswoud, born 1st Feb. 1808 at Rotterdam, baptized Rotterdam 16 Feb. 1808 (witness Dirktie van der Does), seller of milk, shop keeper, died 23rd Mar. 1888 at Rotterdam, married 3rd May 1837 at Rotterdam to Barbara Verboom, born 1818, died 26th Jan. 1888 at Rotterdam.

They lived at Kipstraat K 141 Rotterdam in 1843.



1. Marcelis van Renswoude - van Rijnswoud, born 5th Aug. 1843 at Rotterdam, follows VIID.


VIID. Marcelis van Renswoude - van Rijnswoud, born 5th Aug. 1843 at Rotterdam, married 23rd Apr. 1873 at Rotterdam to Margaretha Elizabeth Zuijdam, born 1846 died 7th Sept. 1894 at Rotterdam. The name van Rijnswoud was used on their marriage certificate.



1. N.N van Renswoude, (Twins) born 19th Feb. 1874 at Rotterdam, died 16th Mar. 1874 at Rotterdam.

2. N.N van Renswoude, (Twins) born 19th Feb. 1874 at Rotterdam, died 16th Mar. 1874 at Rotterdam.

3. N.N van Renswoude, (a son who was stillborn) 18th Feb. 1876 at Rotterdam.

4. Alida Philipinna van Renswoude, born 22nd Mar. 1878 at Rotterdam, died 7th Apr. 1879 at Rotterdam. 

5. Barbara van Renswoude, born 1879 at Rotterdam, died 25th Aug. 1879 at Rotterdam.

6. N.N van Renswoude, (a son who was stillborn) 1st Nov. 1880 at Rotterdam.


VIC. Jan van Renswoud - van Renswoude, (son of VB) born 30th Oct. 1820 at Rotterdam, merchant, shopkeeper, owner of a margarine factory, died 21st May 1896 at Rotterdam, married first 6th Oct. 1847 at Rotterdam to Alida Maria Woudenberg, born 4th Jan. 1824 at Rotterdam, married second 10th May 1854 at Rotterdam to Johanna Jacoba van Aart, born 1823 at Rotterdam, died 16th Feb. 1867 at Rotterdam, married third 1st Oct. 1868 at Rotterdam to Jannigje van den Engh, born 1837, at Rotterdam, died 6th Jun. 1898 at Rotterdam. There was one child from the first marriage, one from the second marriage and two from third marriage.



1. Maria Anna van Renswoude, born 1851 at Rotterdam, died 11th Feb. 1894 at Rotterdam, married 21st Aug. 1886 at Rotterdam to N.N Gieseler.

2. Johannes Jacobus van Renswoud, born 1865 at Rotterdam, follows VIIE.

3. Marcelis van Renswoud, born c1869 at Rotterdam, inherited the margarine factory with his half brother, died 10th Jan. 1897 at Rotterdam.

4. Jan Pieter Otto van Renswoude, born 30th Oct. 1871 at Rotterdam, died 18th Mar. 1872 at Rotterdam.


VIIE. Johannes Jacobus van Renswoud, (son of VIC) born 1856 at Rotterdam, inherited the margarine factory with his half brother, the factory was called J. van Renswoud and son, died 26th Apr. 1910 at Rotterdam, married 27th Aug. 1886 at Rotterdam to Geertruida Hulsinga, born 1864, died 2nd Sept. 1934 at Scheveningen.



1. J.M van Renswoud.  Born probably 1887 at Rotterdam.

2. A. van Renswoud. Born probably 1890 at Rotterdam.

3. J.J van Renswoud, married Jiles Arend van Dalen. (1883-1936).

4. Maurits Pieter Willem van Renswoud, born in 1904, follows VIIIF.


VIIIF. Maurits Pieter Willem van Renswoud, (son of VIIE) born 1904, died 8th Jun. 1954 at Wassenaar, married 7th Jun. 1925 at Scheveningen to G.P van Renswoud, after her husband died she moved (1954) to California with her son.



1. Marcelis van Renswoud, born 2nd Nov. 1926 at 'S-Gravenhage, moved to the United States of America, living in California in 1954.


IVB. Cornelis van Renswoude - van Rijnswou, (son of III) baptized 2nd May 1739 at Bleiswijk, buried 27th Jan. 1803 at Voorschoten, married 25th Aug. 1771 at Wilsveen to Pleuntje Warmenhoven, born 26th Aug. 1738 at Zevenhuizen, buried Aug. 1799, at Voorschoten.



1. Anna Elizabeth van Rijnswouw, baptized 9th Oct. 1774 at Voorschoten.

2. Marcelis van Rijnswouw, baptized 2nd Mar. 1783, follows VC.

3. Johannes van Rijnswouw, baptized 25th Jan.1778 at Voorschoten, follows VD.


VC. Marcelis van Rijnswouw, (son of IVB) baptized 2nd Mar. 1783 at Voorschoten, corn millers hand, married 17th Mar. 1816 at Overschie to Jacoba van Dorp, born 1793, at 'S-Gravenhage.



1. Leendert Cornelis van Renswoude, born 15th Apr. 1817 at Overschie, follows VID.



VID. Leendert Cornelis van Renswoude, (son of VC) born 15th Apr. 1817 at Overschie, carpenter, died 28th Jul. 1894 at Rotterdam, married 17th Apr. 1846 at Charlois to Ingetje Blok, born 6th Jun. 1822 at Charlois, died 19th Dec. 1882 at Charlois.





1. Marcelis van Renswoude/Rijnswoud, married 20th May 1875 at Charlois to J.C Lindhout.

2. Willem van Renswoude/Rijnswoud, married 5th Jun. 1872 at Rotterdam to Maria Jacoba Brenkman.

3. Johannes van Renswoude, born 22nd Mar. 1854 at Charlois, follows VIIF.


VIIF. Johannes van Renswoude, (son of VID) born 22nd Mar. 1854 at Charlois, died 1st Sept. 1934 at Rotterdam, married 16th Jun. 1892 at Charlois to Adriana Johanna Baaij, born 29th Jul. 1867 at Tholen, died 6th Jun. 1951 at Rotterdam.



1. Ingetje van Renswoude, married 2nd Apr. 1913 at Rotterdam to Leen Schouten.

2. Dina A. van Renswoude, Dien, married 23rd Sept. 1914 at Rotterdam to Bas van der Wel.

3. Leendert Cornelis van Renswoude, carpenter, married 13th Jul. 1921 at Rotterdam to J. Rollof.

4. Cato van Renswoude, married Nico Versluys.

5. Nico van Renswoude, married Toos Swaal.

6. Marcelis van Renswoude, born 2nd Sept. 1900 at Rotterdam, follows VIIIG.

7. Ariaantje van Renswoude, Sjaan, married 28th Nov. 1928 at Rotterdam to Aart Mastenbroek.

8. Jacoba J van Renswoude, married 18th Jun. 1930 at Rotterdam to Dien van Gengelen.

9. Engelien van Renswoude, married Arie Luyt, they are the parents of Cathy Janse who is the sister inlaw of Reinderd Schuurman who married Elizabeth Trijntje van Reijswoud - aunt of Duncan van Reijswoud. Engelien and Arie have a daughter Engelina Luyt born 7th Apr. 1937.



VIIIG. Marcelis van Renswoude, (son of VIIF) born 2nd Sept. 1900 at Rotterdam, married 25th Sept. 1929 at Rotterdam to Johanna van Monster, born 26th Oct. 1908.



1. Johannes van Renswoude, born 26th Mar. 1937, follows IXJ.

2. Adrianus van Renswoude, born 30th Aug. 1940.

3. Bett Ann van Renswoude, married Bertus Wijmans.


IXJ. Johannes van Renswoude, (son of VIIIG) born 26th Mar. 1937, principal of a Mavo high school at Oude Tonga, married Matt Itta Urban, born 26th Jul. 1938.



1. Johanna Ella van Renswoude, born 2nd Jun. 1962 at Middelharnis.

2. Anita van Renswoude, born 8th Aug. 1964 at Middelharnis.





VD. Johannes van Rijnswouw, (son of IVB) baptized at Voorschoten 25th Jan. 1778, carpenter, moved to Leiderdorp in 1810 then to Oegstgeest in 1815, died at Sloten in the period 1858 to 1869, married 17th May 1807 at Zoeterwoude to Dirkje Bagman, born Amsterdam 1778, died Oegstgeest 30th Oct. 1843. Dirkje was the daughter of Jacob Bagman and Magdalena van der Tas.



1. Jacob van Rijnswou, born 14th May 1807 at Leiderdorp, carpenter, died 19th Oct. 1869 at Oegstgeest, married first to Jannetje van Delft, born Rijnsburg 22nd Mar. 1805, seamstress, died Oegstgeest 31st Mar. 1843, married second at Oegstgeest 10th May 1849 to Jannetje Verstraaten, born Leiden 4th Mar. 1817, maid servant, died Leiden 8th Feb. 1903. There was one child from the first marriage called Antje van Rijnswou, born 2nd May 1835 at Oegstgeest, died 17th Mar. 1900 at Leiden.

Antje van Rijnswou married 8th Aug 1866 at Leiden to Jan van Eyk, born 25th Jun. 1839 at Leiden; he was a cabinetmaker and a manufacturer of fine wood. Jan van Eyk died 10th Dec. 1914 at Leiden; he was the son of Jacob van Eyk a carpenter, and Janna Catharina Kaak.

2. Johannus van Rijnswou, born 7th Jan. 1812 at Leiderdorp, follows VE.

3. Dirkje van Rijnswou/Rhijnswou, born 10th Jun. 1814 at Leiderdorp.

4. Pleuntje van Rijnswou/Reijnswoude, born 25th Jun. 1816 at Oegstgeest.

5. Marcelis van Rijnswou/Rhijnswou, born 13th Aug. 1818 at Oegstgeest.

6. Joanna Elisabeth van Rijnswou, born 8th Oct. 1820 at Oegstgeest.

7. Cornelis van Rijnswou, born 17th Mar. 1823 at Oegstgeest.


VE. Johannis/Johannus van Rijnswou, (son of VD) born 7th Jan. 1812 at Leiderdorp, labourer at Leiderdorp, died 24th Aug. 1893 at Zoeterwoude, married 24th May 1844 to Trijntje Reinksma, born 17th Mar. 1822 at Lemmer, without trade, died 2nd Feb. 1909 at Lemmer.


Today 24th May 1844 appeared before the Council of Oegstgeest and Poelgeest Municipality of Leiden in the Province of South Holland to be joined in matrimony Johannis van Rijnswouw, age 32, labourer, born at Leiderdorp and living here, son of Johannes van Rynswouw, carpenters assistant, living at Oegstgeest and Dirkje Baggeman, deceased, and Trijntje Reinksma, minor, without trade, age 22, born at Lemmer and living at Warmond, daughter of Rienk Coerts Reinksma and Antje Aants Feenstra, both deceased.


No objections to the marriage have been, two announcements have taken place; Firstly on Sunday 7th Apr. 1844 and the second on Sunday 14th May 1844, the first here at Lemmer and the second at Warmond, these announcements included;

1.      Place of birth.

2.      Birth certificates of both bride and groom.

3.      Death certificates of parents of the bride.

4.      Death certificates of grandparents of the bride, from her mothers and father side.

5.      Permission of custodian of the bride, consent was given on the 1st of May this year.

Further the bride, swore an oath, that it was impossible to get the death certificate of her grandfather because he died before the official Registrar General was introduced, and finally both bride and groom declared that on 18th Apr. 1844 a child was born, female, and has been registered in this town, both recognize her as their child. We have read, both people their rights and declared them husband and wife in the name of the law. Witnesses are:

Wouter Blokland, labourer age 26 living here.

Gerrit Blokland clockmaker age 67 living in the municipality.

Jacob Edema Shoemaker age 65 living in the municipality.

Henry Robert de Meer, no trade 27 years living here.


Signed by the above witnesses and the husband and wife.



1. Antje van Rijnswou, born 18th Apr. 1844 at Oegstgeest, died 14th Nov. 1914 at Leiden, married Cornelis Lambertus Van Den Berge, born 20th Dec. 1841 at Oosterland, died after 1914, the family lived at Leiden in 1914, there was three children; Anton Leendert, Catharina Dirkje Adriana and Johannes Cornelis.

2. Theodora van Rijnswou, born 14th Jan. 1848 at Oegstgeest, died in infancy 24th Jun. 1848 at Oegstgeest.

3. Johannes van Rijnswou, born 21st Jul. 1849 at Oegstgeest, died in infancy 19th Dec. 1852 at Oegstgeest.

4. Rienk Bouke van Rijnswou, born 29th Oct. 1852 at Oegstgeest, died in infancy 14th Nov. 1852 at Oegstgeest.

5. Johannes van Rijnswou, born 4th Dec. 1853 at Zoeterwoude, follows VF.

6. Boukje Cornelia van Rijnswou, born 6th May 1858 at Zoeterwoude, died in infancy 7th Jan. 1861 at Zoeterwoude

7. Nicolaas (Klaas) Bouke Cornelis van Rijnswou, born 1st Dec. 1862 at Zoeterwoude follows VG.   


VF. Johannes van Rijnswou, born 4th Dec. 1853 at Zoeterwoude, married 1883/4 to Cornelia Catherina van den Broek, born 4th Apr. 1857 at Leiden, died 10th Jun. 1923 at Leiden, buried 13th Jun. 1923 at Oegstgeest. The parents of Cornelia are Karel van den Broek 1830 – 1923 and Catharina Etienne 1832 – 1923. Johannes died at Vogelensang 5th Oct. 1930 at seven o’clock in the morning.



1.      Johannes van Rijnswou, born 19th Dec. 1884

2.      Catharina van Rijnswou, born 25th Jul. 1886

3.      Franciscus van Rijnswou, born 27th Nov. 1887

4.      Anna van Rijnswou, born 7th Dec. 1890

5.      Karel van Rijnswou, born 8th Jul. 1893

6.      Maria Johanna van Rijnswou, born 5th Apr. 1895

7.      Antje van Rijnswou, born 1st Oct. 1896

8.      Jacoba Johanna van Rijnswou, born 12th Nov. 1899.


Further information on Willem Cornelisz born 20th. Jul. 1679, he married Grietie Dircks, their daughter Claartje Willems married at Renswoude April 19th, 1691 to Willem Dirksz (Timmer).


Compiled & Researched by: Duncan van Reijswoud, Sydney Australia 1994 - 2003.


N.N = Names Unknown.

Z or S at the end of a name means son of...

DR at the end of a name means daughter of...


Unless otherwise stated, places mentioned in this genealogy are in The Netherlands.

Sources are work carried out by Duncan van Reijswoud at the Rijksarchief Den Hague, Rotterdam Archives and S. Laansma’s book of 1981, J van Der Boom, professional genealogists, Church books of Renswoude and Bleiswijk. Other information provided by relatives of Duncan van Reijswoud. Special Thanks to Dirk van Reijswoud, Wim van Doorne, Johanna Leidelmeyer, Baron Hans Taets van Amerongen and Arie Robert van Reijswoud. Also Hans, Frans and Bouke van Rijnswou.  I would also like to add a special thanks to my cousin Jan Nederhorst for translation help, new family information and also for searching for old photographs.


 Corrected 17th April 2006

This is the story and history of the  van Reijswoud families
